new look
Listening to my Everygrey discography. This stuff can really make you feel sad, depressed and very sympathetic. Only some tracks though, mostly from the In Search of Truth album (I guess). The lyrics are very poetic, mostly in a dark but brooding tone.
Now I'm afraid of whom I used to be
Right now I'm just glad that you found me
Evergrey - Lost
Right now I'm just glad that you found me
Evergrey - Lost
The composing on all of their tracks is absolutely awesome. Just set playback to random, and you'll likely get a gem out of many others.
I bought some stuff online on Sunday. I don't buy stuff often, the longest I've never bought anything that I WANTED apart from what I NEEDED for around 6 months (maybe even longer). Here's the stuff, it's a lot but I don't need to repeat myself on how scarce my spending is:

In order:
So yesterday I went out with Amelia+Shotaro and Becky(Ame's bff)+Niket(?). Amelia kept mispronouncing the poor guy's name, I didn't even bother to attempt lol. We were supposed to go present hunting for Qydah, when I arrived they already bought their presents (grr). So throughout the outing I felt like Ame and Sho's child looking for something to buy. Although I'm very thankful of the advice Ame gave me. I'll be picking up the thingy tomorrow on the way to Qydah's. After present hunting, we went to Coffee Bean and as time passed everyone left except Shotaro. So both of us went around the mall looking for TAKA, eventually we found it. I found out the cost for contacts whilst Sho was looking for stuff. I'm wondering what colour would suit me though, not hazel because I have that naturally. Boo, I don't think my mum would approve of contacts anyway. Eventually Shotaro and I had to go home at around 4:30.
Went home, and started working on the new look of this blog. Started it at around 5, continuously until 6. Resumed working on it at 8 and ended at around 1am earlier today o_O. I would have been much faster if the stupid internet connection didn't start crapping out on me at around 12 midnight. It made things overly tedious and irritating. As Qydah knows, I get VERY impatient if I find that I have to wait longer after spending A LOT of time on something. I wake up to check this blog, to find my header not showing up. As it turns out, the Imagshack server it was hosted on was lagging out. Uploaded another copy ASAP.
So now, I'm typing my way through this post whilst wondering how to end it. OH, I know..
I bought some stuff online on Sunday. I don't buy stuff often, the longest I've never bought anything that I WANTED apart from what I NEEDED for around 6 months (maybe even longer). Here's the stuff, it's a lot but I don't need to repeat myself on how scarce my spending is:

- Bleach Renji
- FFVII Vincent Dirge
- FFX Tidus
- Kingdom Hearts Oathkeeper Keyblade
- FFVIII Squall
- -Secret-
So yesterday I went out with Amelia+Shotaro and Becky(Ame's bff)+Niket(?). Amelia kept mispronouncing the poor guy's name, I didn't even bother to attempt lol. We were supposed to go present hunting for Qydah, when I arrived they already bought their presents (grr). So throughout the outing I felt like Ame and Sho's child looking for something to buy. Although I'm very thankful of the advice Ame gave me. I'll be picking up the thingy tomorrow on the way to Qydah's. After present hunting, we went to Coffee Bean and as time passed everyone left except Shotaro. So both of us went around the mall looking for TAKA, eventually we found it. I found out the cost for contacts whilst Sho was looking for stuff. I'm wondering what colour would suit me though, not hazel because I have that naturally. Boo, I don't think my mum would approve of contacts anyway. Eventually Shotaro and I had to go home at around 4:30.
Went home, and started working on the new look of this blog. Started it at around 5, continuously until 6. Resumed working on it at 8 and ended at around 1am earlier today o_O. I would have been much faster if the stupid internet connection didn't start crapping out on me at around 12 midnight. It made things overly tedious and irritating. As Qydah knows, I get VERY impatient if I find that I have to wait longer after spending A LOT of time on something. I wake up to check this blog, to find my header not showing up. As it turns out, the Imagshack server it was hosted on was lagging out. Uploaded another copy ASAP.
So now, I'm typing my way through this post whilst wondering how to end it. OH, I know..
Evergrey is awesome.
You are even more awesome (You say Riiight~) ;D
A secret is a secret until I give that thingy to you =)
`' zekkzy
You are even more awesome (You say Riiight~) ;D
A secret is a secret until I give that thingy to you =)
`' zekkzy