it's raining..
Today has been an OK day.. Despite injuring my ankle earlier today. It was from trekking at Shahbandar with Amelia + Shotaro, Mr Edwards, Mrs Hancox and her daughter. It was deep in the jungle-ish area where the "steps" were unusually high. I thought one of the steps wasn't as steep even though it had a puddle in it. I had no other choice but to step onto that one. My foot turned inwards as soon as I reached the puddle, and OUCH! Thankfully Shotaro helped me out, Mr Edwards got me moving on and advising me to keep going. It's not that bad, I just cant run. So as we progressed on with the hills, it started raining and eventually poured heavily. Dad says I should've brought extra clothes as there is a health risk if I allow my rain-drenched clothes to dry on my skin.
On a lighter note, Qydah got her hair straightened back today and I can't wait to see it! ^^
She's also feeling better even though she's been sick for the past for days (?). Correct me if I'm wrong on that ^¬^
The cousins went for a night out, I couldn't go 'cause I'm so "kapih" and this ankle of mine isn't helping me one bit. Hopefully I'll go out tomorrow at least. Even if I have absolutely NO clue on where to go except Coffee Bean.
That's all for now.
¬ zekkzy
On a lighter note, Qydah got her hair straightened back today and I can't wait to see it! ^^
She's also feeling better even though she's been sick for the past for days (?). Correct me if I'm wrong on that ^¬^
The cousins went for a night out, I couldn't go 'cause I'm so "kapih" and this ankle of mine isn't helping me one bit. Hopefully I'll go out tomorrow at least. Even if I have absolutely NO clue on where to go except Coffee Bean.
That's all for now.
¬ zekkzy